On this page you can find an extremely diverse range of Air Weapons from Pneumatic to Spring and Co2 to Air Capsule, Pump up to Twin Oposing piston Spring Rifles. There is also a range of Big Bore rifles.
Here is a selection of different air rifle designs that we have produced.
Some of which were prototyped and some not but in most cases the components used, have been tried and tested many times.
On this page, the Pictures with a brownish background, are actual Prototypes or Rifles, the rest are 3D models taken from our CAD system.
We Usually, store all files as 3D models, so that if any purchaser wants changes, then these can be carried out before detail work on individual components begin.
To take a look, click on each picture for more information and to see a 360-degree view of each product.
(The music is optional via the switch that is provided.)
If you are an Importer or Distributor who would like your Own Product but do not have Manufacturing facilities then perhaps we could adapt one of our designs to suit the requirement and put you in touch with a suitable Manufacturer.
If you prefer to build your Own Product but need some of our Off the Shelf component designs then a selection of the available units can be found by clicking the component button above.
This is not all of our current Designs and alternatively we can design something to order or alter an existing unit for you.