On this page you can find an extremely diverse range of Air Weapons from Pneumatic to Spring and Co2 to Air Capsule, Pump up to Twin Oposing piston Spring Rifles. There is also a range of Big Bore rifles.


Designing Air Weapons since 1994 in the heart of England

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Fox CO2 Rifle (8 Shot)

* Deadly Accurate !
* New Co2 power System !
* 8 Shot Magazine !
* Adjustable But Pad and cheek piece!
* Multi-Shot Rotary Breach !
* Choice of one or two capsule refill !
* Fun To Use


Fox CO2 Rifle (8 Shot) Design

Design Package Price: £TBA


Previous versions of the Fox Rifle were often the favoured weapon of choice for professional Pest controllers,

since they are extremely accurate, rugged and reliable with a duel handed stock design that suits those often-difficult freehand shots that must be taken without a rest.


This is a new Air Rifle for 2025, That has been designed as a new member of our Fox Family, to give users the option of a superb Co2 Air Rifle in a high quality compact form that can be used with just one Co2 capsule for a few shots or Two for more.


Normally Co2 rifles, are cheaper quality alternatives to PCP rifles but not in this case, if the pellet leaves the muzzle at the correct velocity, it really does not matter whether it is being driven by air or Pure Co2.


 This is a top of the range Air weapon, that does not require a diving bottle or pump and it uses 12 gram CO2 capsules that are readily available on line or from most good gun or sports shops .


 This rifle can be used with one or two capsules, depending upon user requirements and the adaptor that is fitted. One capsule will give approximately 15 shots at just under 12 ft/lbs in .22 calibre and slightly less in .177 and two capsules around 30 shots.


Further-more, Unlike most Co2 Rifles, this one has a pressure indicating device on the right-hand side of the body to let the user know that it is fully pressurized.


This Rifle would make a superb Pest Control Weapon, if made in larger calibres such as (.25 inch) 6.35 mm, 7.62mm or 9mm.


A Magazine capacity, of 8 shots is possible in .25 but it would need to be reduced to 6 and 5 respectively for the two bigger calibres.


However, a Weapon of this power level would require a Permit in some Areas, such as GB and certain EU Countries  etc. 


Click here, to see a more detailed look at the Anatomy of this rifle.


Design Notes

During our research into Co2 prior to working on this project we decided that it was a practical form of power cost wise,

because the current online price of the capsules was around 0.50 UK pounds and if purchased in packs of 50 or more it dropped to 0.42 each.

The main manufacturer names of the ones available in the UK were Crossman, Umarex and Milbro. However, we suspect that they all are made in China.

 We noted, that some have a lubricant included within the liquid but from our point of view, this does not matter as we took that into account when we designed the weapon.


We are considering making the power tube longer to incorporate the use of up to three capsules as this would increase the nominal shot count to 45 between refills.

We would be interested to get shooters opinions on this.


This Rifle, will give the shooter the same feeling of quality and balance that is only ever experienced when using a Fox Rifle. See Fox Rifle Dynasty.



And Finally but not least, as responsible shooters it is vital that we do not litter the Countryside with used Co2 containers and ensure that they are disposed of in a responsible manner.

Furthermore, please take care not to accidentally put a full Co2 capsule into a recycling bin. 





Soundtrack by Sam Stockley

Pictures showing Capsule load options and 360 view of Rifle design.

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